Poetry Part 2
Angel and Flight
My youth was such a part of me
My travels
My adventures
Then I became institutionalized
Then to try to return to your old way
And have it taken away in an instant
When you were doing nothing wrong, is sad
I think the old ways were better
Until they all knew who I was
A steady decline
In who we elect to office
And I wonder if I can ever travel the world again
Or have any peace in how I was wronged
And no one believed me
So search for my peace of mind with all these external forces
As much as I can you see
A gift
What beauty could I say
If a new woman approached me
I'm in the technocracy
She seems real to me
Only time will tell
I get lost in the other world
In the other worlds
And I see a new sight
But she can come to me
It is better this way too you see
Is everything on a screen real and what it seems
Only time will tell
But we must get outside
To see humanity
Still I am comfortable with where I am and what I see
Life is ok
I don't know which side is right
But they've been killing each other for centuries
But an open border
Maybe was a contrast to the wall
It is better?
Depends on your view
It is relative
I once roamed the world twice
But now I get lost at every sight
Struck and blind
She can come to me
And things will be alright
Maybe I get lost
Maybe I get so devasted
But what can be
The future is and always
What we imagine it to believe you see.
Well Tay and Joe you got all my gold for free
So I guess it made you richer
Too bad you never respond
You can at least me keep these demons at bay
Because I know all their records
And you can cover for me on the one where they forcibly patted me down.
God is love
But a dark shadow hovers above me
I thought you were going to get me billions Joe
Instead Swift did that
She also stole the chiefs from me
Yet all she does is talk about it
When will I ever be worth your consideration
Because we all know Tennessee was my doing in high school
At least you didn't get hated on for singing
And your parents supporting all your dreams.
And with you Jeff
You can just deliver and be supportive
Because I know all these demons records
I'm sure that's because of my name too
And maybe I have died many times.
Simply because my legal name is Jamil
But are my records as really as bad as theirs?
Don't I deserve better
Maybe Anna had a good look on my place
I hope you do more at Copper Star
I'm already under this Black Death that was the virus
And we all know it was engineered or if it was bats that because dark and shadow of Earth as a whole.
Now we all know that the wars of the same cause
I hope that psychic foretells the truth
Because I also predict that 2025 will be a newer higher world order.
But it takes a population to awaken
As well as their leaders
And I know this dark cloud is because of dark doings
And I know how bad they are
I'll get some sage for it
Try to walk
Try my best
Always do your best
I will do good deeds
Because we all know why you stepped down Joe
And she owed.
I need a break from all this
Maybe some spiritual retreat vacation or healing
I have a trip planned
And I've been extorted on my credit
I certainly deserve that check.
I will do good deeds
I will amend.
If I was always that guy from memento
or that other movie
And all their music
was a reflection of what spawned in my public school
and we all know the truth
let the dark shadows and demons dissipate with time.
while I seek support
can you get me any therapist in tucson
and will my check arrive next week.
Need some prayers
Need some help