My life. My poetry, travel, and musings.

My life. My poetry, travel, and musings.



Sad state of affairs

Mark Zuckerberg is an evil person.

Kamala Harris a witch and dumb and fake corporate puppet.

Sophia did talked to all her friend about it.

Now the movie is coming out October 4th.

Who are the good people.

All I see is people ganging up on me.

But you know as my hero said.

Love myself better than them.

And I know the real heart of the matter will revealed.

And I hope they approve my SSDI.

And Mark actually always an incel nerd

So was Gary.

Them thinking they can read my posts and make judgements.

We all have flaws.

No one is perfect.

And now people are mad because I say what they actually did to me.

If people could focus on the joy and light.

But there is a touch of darkness.

To all the good things in the world.

I just hope I can survive.

And this professor needs to get a life.

Johnny Depp was the professor.

Who cares if you reported or blocked me.

You're all ugly.

And the planet will die with you if you don't make changes.

While they're hoarding all the wealth.

We will see what's next.


Although they do work, antipsychotics do help to some extent, and that is the correct view, and also psychedelics some of them can be addicting but it a has more to do with people in etheric realm harassing, reporting, and lying to you, and also, that truth is that people with high levels of energy and mood are always cursed and burdened by others. When will they be more kind and be more enlightened? 

Well they are just fags riding my website and ideas and my views have changed and so has the reality of it.

And so is Jordan Gaiser ugly and targeting and harassing and I delete my instagram and am focusing on my website and real life and also the people who blindly follow

A few days ago

A few days ago


In the past history, was the real story.

What I wrote was the real story.

And the truth of the matter, that I did reach a gnostic state, no matter what this old hag says, she didn't do much of it, it was much more other people.

i could have stayed in Portland or Alaska.

Now all these days want to ride my idea to oblivion.

And actually, like the human potential movement, humans could attain and reach a much higher potential, but we have a culture and society where everyone wants to put each other down, in capitalism, in a dog eat dog world.

So how could a visionary be more prosperous when everyone is trying to tear him down?

All these cars are like the ants I see. These people I see are like the bees a I see.

And also because I've reached such a high vibration and state of mind is the reason why I attract so much negative and toxic energy from people with unresolved issues of their own, although some of them have resolved their issues.

And everyone attacking me is just an insecurity of their own.

The real engram teachings express a state where people become whole and achieve unity through the circle. Where people rise above their type to achieve unity and togetherness.

So the real story was that all these people never achieved that sublime state. Also, they were never in that MBTI group that started the cult following.

Secondly, ones aren't even visionaries in anyway, all they care about is their rules and order where their belief about rules and order are wrong and grey. Also, the 4s and 5s are much superior in their individuality and knowledge, as the knowledge takes precedence over rules and order.

i was always very talented as kid, unfortunately my sister complained and they moved me schools. That mirrored other parts of the world too.

Now it is just dazed confusion through this circus show. That they are all also clowns, if they have followed and led me to believe this long.

Middle school and high school killed my spirit, although some people were good in it.

Now I wrote about the whole story, I continue to edit and revise it. I have to fight all of these demons and monsters in my head and home everyday.

But I deleted meta. I don't want to support that corrupt regime. I feel much better in my own skin and thoughts and in the real world and in life.

i have devoted all of my intention to expressing my 30s and hoping I get the concurrent benefits for social security.

After all, it is only in essence my idea about universal income due to AI and automation.

They put me down constantly because they are so afraid of what I could actually do to them.

Yeah well Oberman and Geiser never had to deal with going to a pubic school and were very fortunate. If they think they are me they are mistaken.

Now I cut meta, then they go after my benefits. When will this war and terror ever end? Why does America have to be a nation constantly at war? Why can't we be more peaceful like all the other places I've been and people I've met.

So now don't cut all my benefits. I know who it was. They are literally a dark cloud running over myself and Earth. People deserve a high enough income to live and pay rent, and my vision is almost complete.

Don't sabotage my vision Joe Katie and everyone else. Do your work and I do my work. Don't even think about discriminating against me because we all know the laws, free speech, and given rights as US citizens.

I may be different, but I have the same rights as everyone else. Stay in Poland Netanyahu out of my.

And now, what is next, meta is gone, I rely on others, I hope they actually follow the rules and procedures. If Jordan was so hell here on rules and procedures, they would have approved my SSDI the first time, because I followed all of them.

And now, I have to deal with the greens, and the rest of the people who cheated me. 

What good does a university ranking do, if people don't want to do more for the vision, or make the world better? Because people are so mediocre, and they need to up their level.

Well, good night, may the world hold America accountable for its actions and false promise and lies. And 8 billion people, may know this.

Good night.

Well the Sabbath

Each faith tradition holds its own merit. Although many people misinterpret the meaning behind the words, and a word is only a thought. A word only has the meaning you give to it, and people speak under peoples tongues, and words can manipulated through thought and sound. Words are mostly meaningless.

Now I updated my memoir to include kore recent events and changes. Things are changes. Opinions, perceptions, and views, are often changing.

Now I think that the reality is clear. It seems like a very neurotypical society. The world can go live on and think what they want to while I live in solitude. People think before they speak and actually listen to promote greater communication rather than react.

And, the outside isn't too pretty for me, I'm more of a homebody and like to keep my home clean and chill. And now I think that there are others like me. There are many like me in the world, and each life can be given its own merit based on their own views, as well as mine.

People think hate and violence and the catharsis of hate will promote, really, humanism, and basic sense of morals and ethics without religious ideology is more promising.

I cleaned my slate and updated my words, although the phone sometimes speaks through me as well as people's thoughts in my consciousness transmitting on the phone. And each enneagram has its own flaw but when people transcend it that's where the magic begins as well as having emotional intelligence in addition to IQ.

Well that's good for today. Maybe the rest of the people in world can catch up, and maybe the state can actually be honest and support the social welfare of it's citizens rather than just trying to be bad and cruel, as well as some of these people.

Hopefully I have a light on the other side of the world, and they open up flights and pay me.

What do I have to do to get paid. I've completed and noted everything. Everything is well documented. I believe something good will come if people listen to me and also, my beliefs up psychological conditions are also still the professional diagnosis and Katie should try to be and pay.



Simply because I wrote about him he decided to bomb Lebanon. Now how do you expect there to be peace when everyone starts a conflict you’re going to get an equal reaction that is physics. Now everyone thinks they know about me and quantum physics which I knew and my history and distant past is my story alone.

They simply did all that and now I am just hoping peace in my own world. And I just want to feel safe. Now I am worried and concerned because there is no love or hope for this war to end. Why did I write about him? Well they were doing that before I wrote about them anyways.

i don’t have anything to do with it or your war, or your life. That is the honest truth. Now just leave me alone and also why don’t they do anything about how I was treated well I’ve been clean for a week but having to deal with the rest of it.

bye. Hope you read this and try be nice. That hate and violence is due to what people do and cause to one another to begin and what does fighting solve anyways. How would you just exterminate the earth and they are not your life you are not my life.

They are all breaking the law and rules

There are rules. And I wasn’t guilty of breaking them, they are the ones who need to follow the rules. I already know all of the rules as well as the facts and heart of the matter and these despicable liars canning violate the rules norm or law and they are not listening to the right view or having any maturity.

In addition they are not having the right perception about someone who just wants to rest and I smoke in my home because of what they have done to me and mischaracterizing and mistyping my type.

As well as the cops are fake and the probation is fake and green with envy and weak.

The sensors are the cars. The world can go on. My truth is relative to me and not like the Catholic Bible like Jordan Peterson that spoiled little boy says.

And I am deserving for more wealth and power and the phone does lie not the ball the phone. The phone doesn’t lie. Sending to more of those like me.

and that is the truth and reality. The music speaks the truth. They are little goons and green goblins for the defunct agencies. As well as they lie and don’t care about anyones lives or the city. Or the cities and peoples lives.

and I already wonder where all these millions ok cars are going and what goes to climate change and I already came saw and conquered as well as put it on the radio.

and the rappers are true and the people who speak wisdom from the heart and not pretend to be bigger than they really are:

so go read this and send it to more.

i paid all my debts. I hve enough money and also I am not to be judged for who i am or what i know and get.

so these people and big tech need to stand up for me if that is what they say they need to stand up for me and every American  is protected from discrimination.

where are all the cars going? They are ants marching. Why doesn’t someone stop and talk to me and it is all reagents behavior and harassment that needs to stop and I deserve wealth and fourtuneX

Where it is today

The state of affairs is that the world can be beautiful but also twisted and evil. Some people have such sinister intentions and can be so grandiose and narcissistic.

If all the writers, thinkers, and their perceptually flawed AI says we need all of these things, then they can approve my application.

I’m not doing China anymore, and I also don’t want these vain bullies, because in reality I think I know the truth and heart of the matter and people who are grandiose and full of themselves.

I think people have such vain egos and I don’t think maybe they know of general wisdom and also being kind and empathetic toward others. It is a trait that not many people have in this world. People should have more of it.

And I just want peace in my own home and these women who really care about me, because they knew the pain I went through and all the bad things people did to me and the scars because of them.

But I am proud of getting degrees and traveling the world. I have both genders which is actually the healthy and clear, rational state of mind, because these other people are asleep in the dream, and haven’t integrated their unconscious shadow side, because in reality all humans do have both sides in them.

And now I wait, and hope for the best. Getting more work done, and wish people would actually be emotionally intelligent and no abuse. It is bad that people do these things and bullied all these intelligent and promising men.

And many men have been left for dead and I hope I can find greater hope and prosperity in my home and world. Just because I have emotions and I was always kind and polite toward does not mean I am weak or passive or feminine because many people do have both sides to them.

It is strongly correlated, that violence in the world is caused by perhaps just dark souls, but also people who didn’t process emotional abuse from their fathers or families or whatever someone did to them.

So if more people were aware of how their actions and words impact others we would have love and understanding. However, many people don’t want peace because that is how they make a living off chaos war and division.

And their views are not mine, and my own sovereignty and integrity is my own life and hope and I stand to be stronger by them, and I don’t do massage parlors anymore.

So good things, may come, because I am always still learning and work on myself and there are grey areas to the law as well as my own life. As well as I’m not a girl or bad person in addition.

AM I really right about these people who are dumb as rocks who are the only ones challenging my position because they are dumb as rocks and they are violent and they are demonic in addition to only caring about themselves and their own stupid little agendas and are just plain immature it doesn’t have anything to do with your personality it’s about being more whole and healthy and psychologically aware and not just concerned yourselves, as well as not judging me for my own freedom and the heart of the matter.

Thank you for reading.
